В наличии ESP32-DevKitC ESP32-WROOM-32D
Схемка од спойлером
Внимание вопрос:
Сколько максимум вольт можно подать на аналоговый вход esp32? 1в? 3,3в? 5в?
Даташит на забугорном не вывожу)
Если 5в без дороботок - супер.
Если 3,3в - то на кой у меня аналоговые датчики с 5в на выходе?)
Где в даташите этот параметр? или надо смотреть даташит АЦП который на плате?
Вот ТУТ пишут вот это:
3,6 что ли?
В наличии ESP32-DevKitC ESP32-WROOM-32D
Схемка од спойлером
Внимание вопрос:
Сколько максимум вольт можно подать на аналоговый вход esp32? 1в? 3,3в? 5в?
Даташит на забугорном не вывожу)
Если 5в без дороботок - супер.
Если 3,3в - то на кой у меня аналоговые датчики с 5в на выходе?)
Где в даташите этот параметр? или надо смотреть даташит АЦП который на плате?
Вот ТУТ пишут вот это:
Analog Input Pins
Note that only a subset of ADC pins and functions are exposed. First, the supplied drivers expose only ADC1. The board layout of the ESP32-DevKitC only exposes some of the pins. Specifically, the following are exposed: ADC1_CH0 , ADC1_CH3 , ADC1_CH4 , ADC1_CH5 , ADC1_CH6 and ADC1_CH7 .
see ESP32 Analog Read Example
Analog to digital conversion is the ability to read a voltage level found on a pin between 0 and some maximum value and convert that analog value into a digital representation. Varying the voltage applied to the pin will change the value read. The ESP32 has an analog to digital converter built into it with a resolution of up to 12 bits which is 4096 distinct values. What that means is that 0 volts will produce a digital value of 0 while the maximum voltage will produce a digital value of 4095 and voltage ranges between these will produce a correspondingly scaled digital value.
One of the properties on the analog to digital converter channels is attenuation. This is a voltage scaling factor. Normally the input range is 0-1V but with different attenuations we can scale the input voltage into this range. The available scales beyond the 0-1V include 0-1.34V, 0-2V and 0-3.6V.
Note that only a subset of ADC pins and functions are exposed. First, the supplied drivers expose only ADC1. The board layout of the ESP32-DevKitC only exposes some of the pins. Specifically, the following are exposed: ADC1_CH0 , ADC1_CH3 , ADC1_CH4 , ADC1_CH5 , ADC1_CH6 and ADC1_CH7 .
see ESP32 Analog Read Example
Analog to digital conversion is the ability to read a voltage level found on a pin between 0 and some maximum value and convert that analog value into a digital representation. Varying the voltage applied to the pin will change the value read. The ESP32 has an analog to digital converter built into it with a resolution of up to 12 bits which is 4096 distinct values. What that means is that 0 volts will produce a digital value of 0 while the maximum voltage will produce a digital value of 4095 and voltage ranges between these will produce a correspondingly scaled digital value.
One of the properties on the analog to digital converter channels is attenuation. This is a voltage scaling factor. Normally the input range is 0-1V but with different attenuations we can scale the input voltage into this range. The available scales beyond the 0-1V include 0-1.34V, 0-2V and 0-3.6V.
3,6 что ли?